Tuesday, September 27, 2005

RP update

I have been besieged by the dark bane of Tup’ware!

Being a glutton for punishment, I scheduled way too much today and entertained a ‘knight of the road’ in the house for the early afternoon. The usual crowd is coming early to revel in the birthday feast of Linora and Nature Tom. And continuing my self-appointed torture, a gaming session. Not that the latter half of the day is painful, far from it. It’s the preparations. And the cleaning. And the cooking. And the standing. Did I mention the cleaning? I pity the manor house cooks who do this for a living...

It was a bittersweet night. Nature Tom, known to all here as XLS, will be leaving for his journey of enlightenment come the end of the week. It should take him until Spring to return, assuming the scholars are not so difficult on him.

Once the troupe arrived from their day at the faire, we settled down and enjoyed a little entertainment and some delicious food. Once the cook had done his work, the evening’s feast was superb. Everyone had their fill and then some. Even the basement trolls appeared once or twice to gorge, then slithered back into their dark realm.

Our night of role playing went slow. Everyone was tired and even God was yawning. None of us could think clearly enough, due to the late night previous and God and Nature Tom had partied all the night previous. All in all, it was a leisurely evening, and I quite enjoyed myself with my two puddles of goblin goo.

(August 21, 2005)

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