Sunday, February 03, 2013


Captain Micah, Woodland Mercenaries GuildMaster,

Our group has journeyed North-East in pursuit of the Duke.  After some investigation in the Walled Valley with various sources, it is with dilligence that we found word of the Duke and his party's last sighting and a general location of the Ogremoot.

Our party traveled to an abandoned Monastery of Seriyuu, where we intended to spend the night.  Those plans were cut short when we were visited by Big Bob the ogre and his band.  He was to take us as his "guests" to the Ogremoot, but my companions did not wish to travel as his prisoners.  We escaped while causing quite a bit of damage and made our way further North.

A few days after our stop at the Monastery, we are greeted by a small group of ogre scouts.  They escort us to the council of chieftans, the Duke sitting among them.  But we were not permitted to speak until we proved our worthiness.  We are informed by the Duke that tradition dictates that only victory in single unarmed combat can achieve this.  The Duke's opponent had been Cree'eeeesh, a self-proclaimed human killer, and it was with a victory over the ogre that the Duke earned his voice on the council.  Brother Sten from the Temple of Apollo, one of our newly-hired, stepped up and defeated Skub the Mighty with an impressive show of grappling.  Our voice at the council was secured.

The ogres, a minotaur that had been accepted onto the council, and Kru the Kobold King begin discussing The Eye, the threat in the woods to the South that has been killing, enslaving, and driving the ogres from their lands.  Most ogres agree that traveling West into the human lands is their best option.  A smaller group thinks that they should run, with about the same number thinking that they should gather their strength and fight.

The Duke gives a compelling arguement that fighting the Eye is their best option, and opinions began to turn in his favor, especially Tonk Treestump, the leader of the Ogremoot.  Our group concurred with the Duke, offering our assistance in finding and defeating the Eye.  An agreement was made and with that, the Ogremoot concluded.

We go hunting.

October 6th, First of Bleakmoon

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