Monday, October 24, 2005

Shoupty Jiltens: RP update

Bad news. No letter from Ghost this week. It will be kind of difficult as we are in the middle of the forest and stuck at a scouting outpost in the South. Next time we arrive in town, there will be a new letter. This update will be OOC only.

Not wanting to be caught in town should a lycanthrope attack come upon herself or Linora, Shallan decides to head out and continue their message delivery. The first day out was mild, where we found Uhmvli (aka Big Hairy Guy) and during Dwight's watch, he takes down five goblins without even waking the rest of us. Second day, we avoided an encounter and wound up annoying God by doing so. Full moon appeared and no ill effects, so Linora and Shallan are safe.

The next few days were fairly uneventful, with only an ogre to entertain us. We easily dispatched him and again annoyed God by just lopping the poor ogre's head off. (I think he had something more planned.) While on the way, we had checked that mine we cleared out earlier and it seemed empty, so good news on that front.

The outpost was in not so great condition. Andre the scout greeted us among the broken remains of the outpost gate. The men there were tired, hungry, and stretched way too thin. The message we delivered was orders for them to hold position until reinforcements arrived. Shallan vehemently displayed her distaste for the form those reinforcements were to take: army regulars. Meanwhile, the party took up fishing, hunting, and tending wounds, trying to bolster the outpost members. They've been attacked practically every night, and the night previous the gate was broken. Hobgoblins and goblins have been causing the most trouble. Scouts are not meant to hold down the fort, but they've been forced to by the situation. With a newly-repaired gate thanks to Ayman, Andre fairly well asked for help, which was freely given.

Shallan's respect for Darik the Bronze just fell down a few more pegs.

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